Cream of the Crop 1
Cream of the Crop 1.iso
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Text File
121 lines
Excellent achievement.
Very good work.
Good work.
Satisfactory work.
Work has improved.
A very successful semester.
Quality of work has deteriorated.
Finds subject difficult.
Good effort.
Must attend classes regularly.
Congratulations! A job well done.
Consistent daily effort required.
Homework should be done regularly.
Homework should be done thoroughly.
Parent/guardian contact requested.
Recommend more class participation.
Assignments should be completed.
Recommend General level course.
Recommend Advanced level course.
Assignments done carelessly.
Raised mark.
Is a conscientious worker.
Class contribution is significant.
Pleased with student's effort.
Not working to potential.
Often comes to class unprepared.
Tries but finds subject difficult.
Be proud of your achievement.
Distracts others from their work.
Tendency to miss deadlines.
Frequently late for class.
Attentive in class.
Inappropriate classroom behavior.
A joy to teach.
Inattentive in class.
Keep up the good work.
Seems to be working hard.
Enjoys challenge.
Well disciplined.
Daily work better than test result.
Daily work better than exam result.
Exam result better than daily work.
Mark is based on term work only.
Some units incomplete.
Poor written component.
Illness has hindered progress.
Needs to improve organization.
Review of fundamentals necessary.
Insufficent data for reporting.
Written work better than oral.
Oral work better than written.
Estimated mark.
Not ranked.
Discontinued course.
Late registrant in this course.
Often arrives without equipment.
Often demonstrates leadership.
Excellent class participation.
Prepares well for class.
Work and school effort excellent.
Excellent travail.
Tres bon travail.
Bon travail.
Travail satisfaisant.
Travail insuffisant.
Progres marque dans le travail.
Progres regulier.
Eleve moyen (moyenne).
Eleve tres applique(e).
Participe bien en classe.
Ne participe pas assez.
Manque de confiance en soi.
Confiance en soi excessive.
Attention soutenue, reguliere.
Attention irreguliere.
Comprehension rapide et sure.
Comprehension lente et peu sure.
Retient facilement.
Retient mal.
Capable d'un effort suivi.
Effort irregulier.
Arrive souvant en retard.
Amelioration marquee dans travail.
Incapable de fixer son attention.
Progres ralenti par maladie.
Absences trop frequentes.
Impossibilite d'evaluer.
The last thirty comments are blank,
and you can insert your own comments
in place of these instructions (or
alter any of the other 90 comments).
Use your favorite word processor to
load the file COMMENTS.TXT as an
ASCII text file. Each comment can
be no longer than 55 characters.
Lines longer than 55 are truncated
when the file loads into MTG. Be
absolutely certain not to use any
special formatting commands that are
particular to your word processor,
e.g. margin settings, underscores,
tab settings, etc. -- just ASCII
text. Only the first 120 lines in
the comment file are used, so any
comments added beyond line #120 are
ignored (but you could store extra
comments after #120, and swap them
in with your word processor when
needed). Check your spelling care-
fully (these reports are going home
folks!), and then save the file as
an ASCII text file, using the same
name: COMMENTS.TXT. Do NOT save
the file as an ordinary word pro-
cessing file -- a Word Perfect file
for example, will be ignored by MTG
because of the different extension.